You don’t take a photograph, you make it. –Ansel Adams

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's a small world. This little bee was methodically visiting every clover blossom. Amazing what a person will observe just laying in the grass for a spell.


  1. That is an amazing close-up of a honeybee, Jim! The flower is also in just about perfect focus! I LIKE!!

  2. The best part was laying in the field looking for a photo op. The neighbors probaby think I am nuts. Was barefoot also (love it!)

  3. Barefoot? You! Incredible!

    I think this is a superb shot. Were you using macro mode?

  4. I am practically always barefoot at home in the summer, indoors and out. I refuse to grow up! Yes, have a 100 mm macro lens. Not any good at using it, but I have it. Would have loved to do a stacking image, but bees do not sit still long enough.
