You don’t take a photograph, you make it. –Ansel Adams

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shawn is back...I hope

I would say it has been close to forever since I have been on the blog. SORRY! I thought I would try to reconnect with my camera and my photo friends. Well I took some bridal pictures a couple of weeks ago (with one of my photo friends) and here are three that fit in this weeks assignment. Critique #1: I loved the lighting and the silhouette of her cute little hips (oh I remember those days). The white blob over her right shoulder is horrible and I tried to edit that out but failed miserably so it unfortunately had to stay. My other self critique is her left hand. Well it is actually her right hand but it is on the left side of the picture. Any ideas how I could have placed that better to still accentuate her figure but not have it looked so posed. I should have gotten rid of the house in the background too. (I have lots of words for someone who has been missing for all this time :)
I really liked this one too. I purposely made it darker just for some creative variety. I did a lot of removal of telephone poles, houses, cars, cracks in the pavement. Man I hadn't noticed how bad Panaca's roads were until I had to remove them from my picture. Any critiques, besides making the yellow line look better. That was just going to take more time than I had to give. I know this pictures is not going to be the favorite of all people, but once again I loved it because it is just a little different. To know me is to know that I am just a little kookie. The filter I used still had the bottom of her dress out of focus and if I could have figured how to manipulate that I would have made that change.
I don't get my feelings hurt about critiques (good or bad) so please add your comments. That is how we will all become better photographers, and by all means I need to step up my game.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are MUCH too critical of your own work, Shawn! If you hadn't pointed out what you saw as boo-boo's, I never would have noticed them. Your lighting is so impeccable on the first one, and the second one is likewise awesome (I just love their jump over the center line!). And I DO love the third one - the soft blur of the dress just adds to the nostalgic feel of the photo!

  3. I am by NO means any kind of professional. I'm just gonna say what I like about your pics! I love the lighting in the first one & I'm not sure what the trouble is with the left hand, because she looks comfortable to me. I don't see it looking posed, it seems natural to me.

    I really like the cracks in the pavement on the 2nd one. I wish I knew what it looked like before you filled them in! I think it could even make it look more creative and vintage. A lot of the bridal photographers here in st. george go for a vintage kind of look (my friend, Ali recently got married and was all over the photographer scene). Overall, I think you've got some really nice work!

  4. Shawn, I think they are great as always--and I saw the road one at the reception whereit was easier to see and loved it. The last one I really like, though I wish I could see it larger, too, but I think you did a great job--one thing I have learned is that it takes either a lot of time and patience to get everything just right or else it takes a lot of luck and since it is sometimes hard to come by both of those for me, I just try to focus on the good in the pics--which is the majority of yours anyway!! ;)
