You don’t take a photograph, you make it. –Ansel Adams

Monday, June 14, 2010

June Beetle

These are cute insects, seemingly flying in spite of the laws of physics. Like a flying armored vehicle! However, I do read that the grub stage can devastate a lawn. Nope, did not violate my code of ethics, this guy died of natural causes. Well, I suppose, certainly did not do an autopsy! :-) Did a bit of reading, and these are scarab beetles, which have the ability to roll things into balls (such as the infamous dung beetles worshipped by the Egyptians). Barb, is this the Figeater variant?


  1. Great shot, Jim! The ones that are white with lines along their carapaces are also called "click beetles" - because if you pick them up, they will click away, as a defensive mechanism - most predators get scared by the clicking noise and drop them! With around 30,000 species of beetles in North America, your guess may be as good as mine if this is a "Figeater" variety - my books show similar ones as either Spotted June beetles, May beetles, or Carrot beetles... adults eat foliage (leaves), larvae feed on the roots of trees/bushes.

  2. Did you seriously just call this 'CUTE'????? ;) Sorry, just had to tease for a minute, I don't really find any bugs or insects cute, maybe interesting. ;) Great shot as always--you excel at macro.
