You don’t take a photograph, you make it. –Ansel Adams

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Air Vehicle on Water vehicle

Circa 1962 on "Yankee Station" off Vietnam. This photo was taken with a Canon SLR (my first, and Canon's first SLR) in the days when all settings were manual, using an external light meter, manual focus, manual aperture and shutter speed.


  1. This really appeals to my sense of adventure and love of g-forces. Put your hands up and scream! Woohoo!

  2. To philosophize a bit, life certainly is a series of adventures. To folks on the forum younger than me (which is probably everybody!) I encourage you to seek out lifes adventures. My tour of duty in the Navy was certainly an adventure. Now if I just could talk the wife into accompanying me on a summer photo trip abroad, particularly rural Russia.
