You don’t take a photograph, you make it. –Ansel Adams

Tuesday, February 16, 2010



  1. I am not a cat lover so it took me a minute to look past my dislike to actually look at the technical things in these pictures. On the top shot, it's the lighting that makes this shot stand out. The shadow on the back half of the head brings my attention to the amazing cat's eye. Like I said...I don't like cats so i have never seen their eyes at this angle. I can feel my nose itching already.

    The DOF on the bottom one was to shallow for me. I know this was the look you were probably going for but even though the nose and wiskers are in complete focus, having the eyes out of focus just takes away from the picture, although I love the fur out of focus. I know, picky, picky, picky.

  2. Eeeewwww, crazy cat eye from the side-- I mean that like 'eeeewww, cool, not eeeewww, sick! Fun little close-up details.

  3. What's not to love about these cats?! The eyeball closeup was great, and the whiskers on the Siamese really showed up well. Plus I love the Siamese's cross-eyed glare (I get that a lot around here)!

  4. The blurred cat was unintentional. That cat was being a real...rascal! LOL
